Pack 200's
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Cub Scout Basics
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Cub Scout Pack 200
(Cornelius, Oregon)
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The Basics of Cub Scouting

Scout Oath:

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Law:

A Scout is trustworthy, Loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

Cub Scout Motto:


The Purposes of Cub Scouting:

  • Character development
  • Spiritual Growth
  • Good Citizenship
  • Sportsmanship and Fitness
  • Family Understanding
  • Respectful Relationships
  • Personal Achievement
  • Friendly Service
  • Fun and Adventure
  • Preparation for Boy Scouts

Cub Scouting’s 12 Core Values:   

  1. Citizenship: Contributing service and showing responsibility to local, state, and national communities.
  2. Compassion: Being kind and considerate, and showing concern for the well-being of others.
  3. Cooperation: Being helpful and working together with others toward a common goal.
  4. Courage: Being brave and doing what is right regardless of our fears, the difficulties, or the consequences.
  5. Faith: Having inner strength and confidence based on our trust in God.
  6. Health and Fitness: Being personally committed to keeping our minds and bodies clean and fit.
  7. Honesty: Telling the truth and being worthy of trust.
  8. Perseverance: Sticking with something and not giving up, even if it is difficult.
  9. Positive Attitude: Being cheerful and setting our minds to look for and find the best in all situations.
  10. Resourcefulness: Using human and other resources to their fullest.
  11. Respect: Showing regard for the worth of something or someone.
  12. Responsibility: Fulfilling our duty to God, country, other people, and ourselves.


The Cub Scout sign:

Make the sign with your right hand. Hold your arm straight up. The two raised fingers stand for two parts of the Cub Scout Promise—“to help other people” and “to obey the Scout Law”. The two raised fingers look like the sharp ears of the wolf ready to listen to Akela.

The Cub Scout handshake:

When you shake hands with another Cub Scout, do this:

Hold out your right hand just as you always do to shake hands. But then put your first two fingers along the inside of the other boy’s wrist. This means that you help and that you obey the Scout Law.


The Cub Scout salute:

Salute with your right hand. Hold your first two fingers close together. Touch your fingertips to your cap. If you aren’t wearing a cap, touch your right eyebrow. This is the way to show respect to your den leaders. You salute the flag to show respect to our country.

Pack 200, Tuality District, Cascade Pacific Council, Boy Scouts of America